Creating a JCL Library

An ISPF "Library" is a PDS whose dataset name consists of three parts, which are called the library's "project", "group", and "type".

The JCL that you create on this course will be kept in an ISPF library whose three dataset name parts consist of your TSO userid, "HUMBSTUD", and "CNTL". You must create that PDS before you can create members containing JCL for your solutions to Assignments 4 through 8.

To create your own private JCL library, follow your way down the hierarchy of ISPF functions until you get to the "Allocate New Data Set" panel:

Utility Selection Panel

From the ISPF Primary Option Menu, type 3 and press Enter to display the Utility Selection Panel. (Click here to see that panel.)

From there type 2 and press Enter to display the Data Set Utility panel, where you you will be able to "Allocate" (i.e. create) a PDS. (Click here to see an example of that panel.)

Data Set Utility Panel

Just below the dashed line, and immediately below the centered title "Data Set Utility", you should see "ISPF Library", with three fields that may or may not already filled in.

For your own JCL PDS, the first of those fields must be the TSO userid that has been assigned to you; the second field must be HUMBSTUD, and the third field must be CNTL.

Joined together with two separating dots, those three fields will form the name of the PDS where you will be storing JCL members.

Type your own userid into the input field to the right of Project, "humbstud" to the right of Group, and "cntl" to the right of Type.

To allocate (i.e. create) that new dataset "userid.HUMBSTUD.CNTL", type "a" next to Option and press Enter.

Allocate Dataset Panel

You should then see the "Allocate New Data Set" panel.

On this panel you must enter the technical requirements for the new dataset. (Click here to see an example.)

Fill in the fields as illustrated on the sample screen (making sure that the Management Class, Storage Class, and Data Class fields are blank), and press Enter.

If all is goes well, you will be returned to the Data Set Utility Panel that you saw before, with the message "Data set allocated" at the upper right, indicating that the system has built a PDS for you in which you can create and edit your JCL members.

If you're having trouble, post a Discussions message so other students or the instructor can help you.

Click on Next in the above ACTION MENU to learn about using the ISPF Editor to create members in your new PDS.